The People’s Plan for Glasgow offers the opportunity for a collaboration of organisations, campaigns and individuals to co-create a revitalised local democracy and a Glasgow that works for people, the planet and future generations.
The aim of the People’s Plan process is to recognise and play an active role in the development of the amazing transformative work already being done locally on issues such as housing, migrant justice, transport, city planning, equality, sustainability, health and economy.
It is hoped that through different ways of working and by acting as a platform for alternative ideas, a commonly owned ‘humanifesto’ will emerge, which rejects the current market based, corporate perspective that fails to offer many residents wellbeing in any form.
There is no one blueprint for transformation, and it is recognised that change is a process of debate and contestation, and that it can be both creative and messy.
This website has been devised as the repository for information, but it is not owned by any one organisation, rather it is an invitation to participate! It has been established initially by a collaboration between SANE, Enough, Galgael and Ubuntu Women Shelter. It will evolve over time as more people become involved!
Here you can find out about our Vision, values, and the ways we organise. You can learn about other Fearless Cities working to transform their systems, and check out our Blog to find out why others support the People’s Plan.
From here you can read up on Glasgow’s Current Policies on key issues such as climate, health, finance, transport, and more. Our Analysis of these policies and the harmful ways they manifest will be updated regularly with news from across the city.
Here’s where you can find out about ongoing projects associated with the People’s Plan. Discover our work on People’s Assemblies, including an assembly on Reclaiming Our Economy. Make Your Mark by taking part in our craftivism project. Get inspired by our Conversations for Transformation project, and find out about local Events!
Here you will browse the network of grassroots movements working for transformation across the city, creating the Landscape of Resistance, and consider Alternative Policies on a variety of issues that benefit all the people of Glasgow.
Find out you can Join or support the People’s Plan by reaching out, signing up or making a donation.
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