4 Minute City is an ongoing resource that you can make a contribution to at any time. Send us a 4 minute video exploring the main vision for Glasgow for you or your organisation, and outcomes that you would like to see achieved over the next 4 years and beyond. We ask you to consider not only the ways in which we can reform our current systems to help achieve these outcomes, but also to imagine or demonstrate what alternative processes and practices outwith ‘traditional political activities’ might benefit these outcomes.
The ‘4 Minute City’ event was conceived by the SANE Collective in the run-up to the May 2022 local elections. We held an online event on April 27th, in which participants were invited to share their 4 minutes live, which in turn was used to create the following open letter containing a list of demands from the people of Glasgow to the incoming Council administration. The original 4 minute videos can be seen below.